Arnold Murray

Founding Team

(202) 953-9880


I AM HUMANITY! Yes, I am a member of the Murray clan, an American, and a Washingtonian. But what truly calls to me is expressing gratitude, kindness and compassion. Yes, because I am Humanity...

Fun Fact

CIO for the Unleashing The Human Spirit Institute.  Arnold is a native Washingtonian, with extensive Project Management and Training & Development experience.  His core communication skills developed while working at the White House during the Nixon, Ford and Carter Presidencies’. - He maintains a highly ethical environment and brings over forty years of IT experience, an extensive knowledge of technology best practices and solid relationships with technology & cybersecurity experts. - Investing over twenty years in the study and practice of Human Behavior Science and leadership has prepared him for the honor of coaching others in their self-discovery and empowerment.

Favorite Food

Chocolate, (almost anything)

Family & Pets

Younger of two brothers.

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